3月26日(水) 本日開館 開館時間 10:00~20:00

Greeting from the museum director

The Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum opened in April 2005 based on the concept of a “breathing museum.” Since that time, the facility has functioned as a base for new art and cultural activities in the prefecture. The museum collects works related to Nagasaki and Spanish art (rooted in the Suma Collection), and organizes a wide range of exhibitions to provide an opportunity to view and study outstanding artworks. In addition, in order to foster greater sensitivity and imagination, the museum places a special effort on its educational activities, and offers many distinguished programs.

As with the breathing of a living creature, a breathing museum absorbs a variety of external information and stimulation. While returning this to the surrounding area in a new form of stimulation, the museum continues to cultivate the local people and environment. And by amassing excellent artworks and knowledge derived from surveys and research, the museum is devoted to the notion of passing on a cultural heritage to future generations. At the same time, it is also important to convey the allure of art in order to inspire creativity and the discovery of manifold values. The museum serves as a place where we can recognize such values, and learn to understand and coexist with them.

Like a breathing organism, by giving rise to a sphere of vibrant activities, the museum engenders an attractive environment with the ability to communicate. It also functions as a base for cultural activities open to prefectural residents that is rooted in the concepts of inheritance, exchange, and creativity.

Director of Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum
